Al-Quds Day at a Sydney Mosque

The website of the Shi’ite mosque and commemoration hall known as the Hussaineyat Ale Yassin in Sydney contains articles about Islam; for example, explaining why it is a religion of peace. Yet, all pretence of peace disappears when it comes to Israel.

UNIFIL must be reformed or replaced

The mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) was renewed on August 31 for yet another year by the UN Security Council (Resolution 2650). However, serious questions must be asked about whether this UN peacekeeping force is able to fulfil its mission

Israel will continue to act in self-defence against Palestinian terror

The city of Jenin has long been considered ‘the capital’ of Palestinian terror, since the Second Intifada in the early 2000s. In recent months, the area of northern Samaria in the West Bank, from Jenin to Nablus has become almost lawless as the Palestinian Authority (PA), which is supposed to assert its authority there, is corrupt, and too weak to even enter the refugee camp.