Antisemitism in Australia

AMUST’s post-October 7 rampage (part 2)

In the previous AIR, I addressed the extreme and sometimes antisemitic content that is being published by the Australian Muslim Times (AMUST) following the October 7 massacre by Hamas. In this second part of the series, I will review more AMUST material published recently.

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AMUST after Oct 7: Defending Hamas and antisemitism

The Australian Muslim Times (AMUST) is a repeat offender when it comes to publishing extremist content, antisemitic material and conspiracy theories regarding Israel. Yet the barrage of such material in the AMUST following the October 7 massacre by Hamas was unusual in terms of both volume and viciousness.

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Surveying the hate at one pro-Palestinian rally

There have been numerous pro-Palestinian rallies across Australia since Hamas unleashed the current Gaza war with its unprovoked wave of mass-murder and mass-kidnapping against Israelis on October 7. One in Sydney on Oct. 9 made international headlines with chants of both “f..k the Jews” and “gas the Jews”.

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AMUST’s “global Zionism” trope

The Australasian Muslim Times (AMUST) does not support Israel or Zionism. On the contrary. As AIJAC has reported in the past, AMUST has, more than once, provided a platform for antisemitic views and promoted baseless and extreme anti-Israel content.

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More hate from HT

In previous editions of AIR we have covered the ongoing hateful rhetoric, antisemitism and support of extremism and terror by the Australian branch of the pan-Islamic fundamentalist movement Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT, Arabic for “the party for liberation”).

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Farah News: Hate springs eternal

Continuing its long and established behaviour of spreading conspiracy theories, extremism and antisemitism, the Australian Arabic online news and opinion portal, Farah News, has hosted several articles featuring antisemitic and extreme anti-Israel content over the last few months.

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Conspiracy theories, antisemitic tropes and half-truths

Recent events in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict again resulted in anti-Israel hate content, often with antisemitic overtones, being published in Arabic in Australian media outlets. This time I will be focusing on the Australasian Muslim Times (AMUST), a community newspaper which took an active role in this ugly wave.

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Al-Quds Day at a Sydney Mosque

The website of the Shi’ite mosque and commemoration hall known as the Hussaineyat Ale Yassin in Sydney contains articles about Islam; for example, explaining why it is a religion of peace. Yet, all pretence of peace disappears when it comes to Israel.

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The dark side of Arabic Media

An examination of Arabic media in Australia over recent months has revealed that, apparently unnoticed by Australian authorities, antisemitic content and anti-Israel conspiracy theories

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Holocaust Denial at a conspiracy “one stop shop”

The Melbourne-based website Gumshoe News is a one stop shop for wild conspiracies, including a sizeable amount of Israel-hatred, classical antisemitism and Holocaust denial. The website claims that “We provide the public and government factual information and knowledge to assist in explaining what is happening in the world today

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The hate goes on

Despite being exposed several times as a platform publishing extremism and antisemitism, Farah News, the Arabic-language Australian website, shows no signs of changing its ways. On the contrary, the disturbing trend of featuring such content has continued in full force over recent months.

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Australian Antisemitism in Arabic

An Australia-based Arabic-language online news and commentary platform is spreading viciously antisemitic content. An investigation into the Farah NewsOnline website has uncovered articles depicting Jews as an evil force conspiring to subdue humanity, caricatures featuring Nazi propaganda motifs against Israel and conspiracy theories about Zionism as a plot for world domination.

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