More hate from HT

In previous editions of AIR we have covered the ongoing hateful rhetoric, antisemitism and support of extremism and terror by the Australian branch of the pan-Islamic fundamentalist movement Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT, Arabic for “the party for liberation”).

Farah News: Hate springs eternal

Continuing its long and established behaviour of spreading conspiracy theories, extremism and antisemitism, the Australian Arabic online news and opinion portal, Farah News, has hosted several articles featuring antisemitic and extreme anti-Israel content over the last few months.

Conspiracy theories, antisemitic tropes and half-truths

Recent events in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict again resulted in anti-Israel hate content, often with antisemitic overtones, being published in Arabic in Australian media outlets. This time I will be focusing on the Australasian Muslim Times (AMUST), a community newspaper which took an active role in this ugly wave.

Al-Quds Day at a Sydney Mosque

The website of the Shi’ite mosque and commemoration hall known as the Hussaineyat Ale Yassin in Sydney contains articles about Islam; for example, explaining why it is a religion of peace. Yet, all pretence of peace disappears when it comes to Israel.

The Columnist as Conspiracist

The AIR has exposed extreme, antisemitic and venomously anti-Israeli content sometimes found within Arabic media in Australia

Jihad in the Suburbs redux

My investigation has found that an extreme terrorist-supporting group of preachers has been operating inside Australia’s major cities for two decades,