The Australian Academic Alliance Against Antisemitism (5A) is a network of academics and professionals from over 31 Australian universities and medical centres, united by a shared commitment to addressing antisemitism in higher education and research.

Australian Academic Alliance Against Antisemitism

Who We Are?

The Australian Academic Alliance Against Antisemitism (5A) is a coalition of hundreds of academics across several Australian universities and medical centres, united by a shared commitment to addressing antisemitism in higher education and research.

Free vs Hate Speech

5A supports academic freedom and integrity while reinforcing the importance of distinguishing between free speech and hate speech, as defined by the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, which prohibits acts that offend, insult, humiliate, or intimidate based on race, ethnicity, or national origin.

Global Challenge

Antisemitism is increasing globally, including within university environments. 5A advocates for Australian universities to uphold inclusivity, intercultural awareness, and campuses free from antisemitism.

Accountability in Academia

The alliance rejects claims that universities bear no responsibility for harm caused by teaching, communications, or statements built on falsehoods or fabrications.

Manifestations of Antisemitism

This antisemitism is reflected in racial and religious prejudice, exclusion, and discrimination, as well as efforts to undermine Jewish self-determination through actions such as calls for Israel’s destruction or boycotts of its academic and industrial sectors.

Global Collaboration

In collaboration with academics in Israel and globally, 5A is committed to advancing knowledge for humanity’s benefit, promoting truth, dignity, and leadership for future generations.