Mission Statement

The Australian Academic Alliance Against Antisemitism (5A) comprises a network of academics with the goal
to counteract antisemitism in the tertiary sector and medical and research affiliates through education and

Our long-term goal is to ensure that Australian universities uphold inclusivity and intercultural sensitivity and
are free from antisemitism just as they should be from any other form of discrimination, whether based upon
race, religion, nationality, ethnicity or gender.

Our alliance is guided by the values of social justice, equality and inclusivity, ensuring that all individuals are
treated with respect and fairness.

Antisemitism is growing worldwide at an alarming rate, including on university campuses. This antisemitism
manifests itself in racial and religious prejudice and discrimination. It includes violence, intimidation, bullying
and verbal abuse. We are guided by the non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism adopted by
the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and approved by Australian government and many

We will work towards educating university communities about rights and responsibilities in relation to
creating safe campuses, free of antisemitism. To this end, we will:

1. Work with universities to adopt policies and practices that:

    o Counter discrimination and advance religious and ethnic tolerance.
    o Support university students, staff and employees affected by antisemitism.
    o Oppose organisations that promulgate antisemitism.
    o Deny resources to groups and organisations that promulgate antisemitism

2. Speak up against programs, courses, subjects, and classes that provide a cloak for antisemitism,
prejudice and discrimination through course readings, assessments, activities, images, or tropes that
target Jews and the State of Israel.

3. Provide resources and advice to universities to enable them to effectively respond to antisemitic
actions amongst staff and students.

4. Collaborate with other organisations, universities, and stakeholders in promoting zero tolerance for
antisemitism, recognising this is a shared responsibility.

We champion academic freedom and honest enquiry. However, we must distinguish between free speech
and hate speech as defined in the Racial Discrimination Act 1975. It is unlawful to do an act reasonably likely
to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or group if the act is done because of the race,
colour or national or ethnic origin of the person or group. We reject any notion that universities and
academia are free from responsibility for the harm caused by teaching, communications or statements based
on lies or fabrications.

We share with our academic colleagues in higher education in Israel the belief that, by actively pursuing
knowledge for the benefit of humanity, we champion truth, humanity and human decency and act as role
models for the leadership of tomorrow. We hold exchange and communication with all universities in the
world to be important and we oppose boycotts and any attempt to undermine such exchanges with any
university. We will therefore promote academic exchange with Israeli academic institutions that share our
core values.